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martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Cesim OnService - Simulación de Servicios

Cesim OnService:
Services management simulation for educational institutions

"Cesim OnService simulation is designed to give students the opportunity to practice with the key success factors that are relevant to any service business in small and medium size enterprise (SME) environment. Teams’ goal is to manage the overall operating, market, and financial performance of a service business in competitive markets with seasonal variations in demand and economic conditions.
Human resources management, capacity management, investments, service quality, pricing, and marketing are the key decisionmaking areas in the simulation. Teams will also be faced with strategic decisions, such as expanding their operations to a new market area. As an outcome of the simulation exercise the students will develop a good sense of how the different parts of the business interact and what are the financial implications of the various operational and marketing decisions. In addition, students will gain invaluable experiences in team-work and problem solving."

Así comienza el folleto de nuestra OnService. Una simulación con un elevado índice de jugabilidad, y un excelente diseño que hace que los estudiantes se queden literalmente enganchados a la toma de decisiones...

Area Manager
Cesim Oy
mobile: +358 (0) 400 97 8038
email: david.gambarte@cesim.com
twitter: CesimOy
web:   www.cesim.com

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